Get Full Relief From Back Pain By Using The Reflexology Techniques

In the present world most of the people having the main problem is back pain. All aged people have to deal this problem today. The research have produce the result is almost eight out of ten adults have the back pain. This kind of problem is not certain and it can occur at any time of injury. Apart from that, some special kind of back pain occurs at irregular intervals. No matter the pain is intermittent or chronic; you may try to get certain advanced reflexology techniques to get relief from that pain. The techniques has some steps and these methods are used you to get instant relief from the back pain. If you have lower level of back pain, then put enough pressure on the joints of reflex on the feet soles, the entire area around your heel and ankle, and the foot inner edge. For the spin, the joints of reflex are places with the feet inner edges. You can treat upper back pain, you may apply the reflexology to the upper back joints and then shoulders that are indicate on feet top and on soles beneath the toes.
Hand Reflex Points:
Sometimes, you may not have time to remove the shoes as well as start to perform the proper and effective process of foot reflexology. Instead, people can go for technique of hand reflexology. Suppose, if your feet are injured or infected in some critical condition or any other reason, using hand reflexology is the perfect approach to start. All you will need to put enough pressure and along with palm outer edge with the thumb. You can start with your right hand and then go on left hand. After the process of contacting the points of reflex for the spine, need to work the reflexes matched with shoulders and upper back. This simple technique has to apply pressure on that area that is located beneath the pinky fingers and ring on the hand top. While, it work on the both hands for the main purpose of treat reflex points. Apart from that, the reflexes of the right shoulder, it connected o the right part of the base as well as reflexes on the left shoulders and these are positioned at the better of the left one. During the process of using reflexology you keep in your mind in some safety measures. Therefore, these are the perfect choice for those who having back pin.